"I have an off brand computer and recently purchased an add-on card would
you be able to install it for me"
GAP SYSTEMS will work on any brand of computer and add-on cards. It
would be a good idea to talk to the manufacturer of the add-on board before
buying it to make sure it will work with your computer. We can call for you
as well if you want.
"My computer is not working, do I have to bring all the parts to you?"
No quite the opposite, we will come to you. We have always felt that best
place to troubleshoot a system is where it's normally used. Our company is
based on the idea of providing all services to you in your home or office.
"I want to be trained on how to use my new computer but, I would like to
have the rest of the family there as well. Since everyone is not home till 6pm
can this be done?"
Sure, we offer affordable weekend and night hours as well. Best of all since
we train you on your computer and not at a school, you'll really get to
understand how to use it. |